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Ceiling & Wall Panels Service


  • Ceiling & Wall Panels Service
Price : Rs.180
Type : Sell
Date : December 3, 2021
Location : colombp 3


I Panel Ceiling , 2 x 2 Ceiling , Wall Panel

For all your ceiling/wall panel needs from a team who guarantees quality, professionalism and aesthetically pleasing look, choose CeylonCeiling today !

We can help you to turn the ordinary look of your roof or slab into a modern home/office/hotel/hall by installing a perfect ceiling, which ultimately will create the look of magnificence and pure elegance.

Our experienced, skilled and qualified tradesmen will complete your dream on time and within your budget.

No job is too big or small, we attend to every single project with the utmost care and attention across the Sri Lanka.

Talk to us now !

ඉතා අලංකාර, උසස් ප්රමිතියෙන් යුතු නවීන පන්නයේ සිවිලිමක් අඩු මුදලකට !

ඔබගේ නිවසට/කාර්යාලයට/ප්රදර්ශනාගාරයට/හෝටලයට/උත්සවශාලාවට/වැඩපොළට නව පෙනුමක් !

ඔබගේ සිතැගි පරිදි තෝරා ගැනීමට නිර්මාණ රටා රාශියක් ! දිවයින පුරා අපගේ සේවය !

දෑන්ම කතා කරන්න !

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal


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